category Video
subject Travels, Landscape, Nature, Human figure, Beauty, Architecture
tags #video, #art, #pittura, #studio, #castello, #sogni, #architettura, #scultura, #moda
minutes 5
seconds 18
year 2021
“Have you ever wondered if you could record your memories
inside a dream? What if you could relive what happened to you?
Memento is the recording of a dream."

The work created by Andrea Mario Bert and Alessandro Ceccarelli wants to convey the message that art is extemporaneous and can be enjoyed in new forms within the same artistic location.
Memento is a work of art that is divided into two parts, one physical and one multimedia, which will be officially exhibited for the first time in Krakow in October, with the help of the National Institute of Italian Culture in Poland.
The physical part of the work, a dress poetically composed of air, was created thanks to the precious support of Gloria Montalti, in the video the muse and interpretation of the work itself.

Direction and production by Goldenhour Media
Painter, Artist, Forlì
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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