
category Installation
subject Political / Social, Landscape, Human figure, Abstract
base 200 cm
height 200 cm
depth 200 cm
year 2016

The project started in 2009, when the artist was living and working in Germany, an experience whose traces remained in the title Körperland (land of bodies): the body as a “territory” to be explored; as a “varying landscape” that changes in relation to how we perceive ourselves and how we live; the body as the “home” of the self, both shell and border of personal identity, that nowadays is more than ever vulnerable, owing to the liquid modernity characterizing our social structures.

A new series of photographic and sculptural works, the Memories series, is produced for the solo show at Passaggi Arte Contemporanea curated by Alessandra Ioalè.

Memories is the aquatic part of Körperland: “… the aquatic part, more thoughtful and complex, flows immersed in an intimate and controlled atmosphere, homey, of sedimented images, which emerge strongly from the bottomless, winning the inexorable charm of waters unknown, who are silent and hide any sound, whatever body is immersed in it, and bring echoes of our bourgeois past, iconographies of our tradition, to the rippled surface of the water ”. (taken from the critical text in the catalog of A.Ioalè)

Photo by Dania Gennai
Tatiana Villani
Artist, Viareggio
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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