Mi ama, mi mangia —Controllo mentale in nome dell’amore nell’intimità.

Mi ama, mi mangia —Controllo mentale in nome dell’amore nell’intimità.
category Installation
subject Political / Social
base 96 cm
height 16 cm
depth 7 cm
year 2020
In an intimate relationship, if one party has a strong desire to control and tries to suppress and control her lover, and the other party repeatedly compromises to avoid conflict, it will happen that if this situation persists for a long time, the other party will be really manipulated like a doll. For this, the love relationship has become a game between the controller and the unconsciously manipulated. Others don't know the truth of this relationship.

On April 11, a girl died in the hospital, 6 months ago she committed suicide because she was mentally tortured by her boyfriend for a long time, after entering intensive care, she remained in a state of brain death until that day. She was a very good girl, she and her boyfriend seemed a beautiful couple from the point of view of others, but only after her tragedy, the family understood what had happened to their sweetheart.

By degrading and repressing, women lose themselves. From that, I wanted to tell you that there is a Gaslight movie and a “gaslighting” theory. Gaslighting is a form of psychological violence in which false information is presented to the victim with the intent of making them doubt their own memory and perception.

The private distance between two people is within 2 meters. I used an infrared sensor to measure distance when people pass by the device within 2 meters. The content of the sentence in the LED changes: from “loves me” to “eats me”, and an audio starts with a crying voice. So only spectators who have approached a "private" distance can know the truth that it is a message asking for help.

I created my work "loves me, eats me" for her, I hope this work can make you think: why this tragedy happened and how to avoid it? When we receive a message like this, we could give it a hand to escape from a control of someone who uses it in the name of love.

I heard this news, I feel very sad.
Lisha Liang
Artist, Florence
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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