“Moscow kaleidoscope“, Onda (PAVLOVSKYDESIGN), serie”Scultura interna”

“Moscow kaleidoscope“, Onda (PAVLOVSKYDESIGN), serie”Scultura interna”
“Moscow kaleidoscope“, Onda (PAVLOVSKYDESIGN), serie”Scultura interna”
category Other
subject Political / Social, Human figure, Architecture
tags figurativo, testura, pittura, uomo, arte contemporaneo, struttura, grafica
base 70 cm
height 90 cm
depth 1 cm
year 2021
"Moscow kaleidoscope“, panel, mdf, carving, acrylic
Onda (PAVLOVSKYDESIGN), about the series “Internal Sculpture”: "The series "Internal Sculpture" is dedicated to human life in a modern metropolis
The crazy tension of modern life filled with – and overflowing with – information. In a kaleidoscope, everything is so fast and there is so much of everything that each piece of glass loses its true meaning, becoming just one of the many components of the pattern."
Sculptor, Artist, Penne
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exibart prize N4
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