Musiche Stellari – Project Room Ombrelloni – Roma

Musiche Stellari – Project Room Ombrelloni – Roma
Musiche Stellari – Project Room Ombrelloni – Roma
category Painting
subject Abstract
tags pattern, texture, astratto, geometrico, musica, stelle
base 0 cm
height 0 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2021
The cycle of exhibitions of the Project Room Ombrelloni will be inaugurated on October 23 with "Musiche Stellari" by Salvatore Mauro (1977), Sicilian artist and conceptual performer and special guest of the Project Room who, although not belonging to the N0 group, can be considered by virtue of his long and interesting artistic career and a reference figure for new generation artists.

The canvases presented in the exhibition develop from the series of external installations of the “Constell-Actions” of 2021, representing planets and stars. These works, born from the dialogue between painting and light with the pre-existing external architecture, and characterized by a strong perfomatic character, were painted with a spray painting technique, through the application of multiple levels of color and with the help of grids of various sections. Texture is the fundamental premise on which the entire series develops. Turning to the language of design rather than the artistic one, Mauro selects nets of various shapes and sizes, combinations of monochromes and spray colors, collages and geometric shapes used to create backgrounds and layers that reach up to twelve levels. The aforementioned material aspect, that is the pictorial texture, partially recalls the photographic pixels, as if the image were a blurry photo or too enlarged. The pictorial result, however complex, is anything but left to chance; the viewer crosses a three-dimensional world parallel to our reality in an immersive and all-encompassing experience.

Hence the title of the exhibition "Stellar Music" where, in the words of the artist himself: "the painting vibrates with this technique, as if the whole composition had a sound effect, a rhythm that is close to electronics, to the beat. These works are pure painting, where the rhythmicity of the pixel creates a sound to the sight of the spectator who observes them. “

Acrylic Spray on Canvas
salvatore mauro
Photographer, Digital artist, Performer, Painter, Sculptor, Artist, Syracuse
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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