Nobili soluzioni

Nobili soluzioni
Nobili soluzioni
category Installation
subject Abstract
tags labirinto, neon
base 40 cm
height 40 cm
depth 10 cm
year 2021
This series of works consists of solutions of different labyrinths collected in noble gas solutions. The negative space, the void present around a labyrinth architecture is revealed, as well as its solution and transformed into a form of light.
The glass tube is hermetically sealed and inside it is a gaseous solution of argon atoms.
Electrodes, placed at the beginning and end of the tube, produce electrons that are excited on contact with the gas atoms; an electron of the atom jumps to a higher orbit producing a quantum leap and finally emits a photon, hence light.
A gas solution that never stops moving, bouncing and producing light energy that incessantly draws the shape and solution line of the labyrinth.

Argon in blown Murano glass, cables, F/Art transformer, plexiglass panel.
Edition 7 pieces + 3 for archive, 2020

Blown Murano glass neon, cables, F/Art transformer, plexiglass panel.
Edition 7 pieces + 3 for archive, 2021
Daniele Zoico
Sculptor, Video artist, Artist, Venice
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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