Nuove Formazioni – Madre Figlia

Nuove Formazioni – Madre Figlia
Nuove Formazioni – Madre Figlia
category Photography
subject Political / Social, Human figure
tags corpo, libro, offcamera, madre, figlia, impronta, fotografia
base 30 cm
height 50 cm
depth 4 cm
year 2016
Adesive tape, silver nitrate, imprints, paper 2016
Nuove formazioni is a project born from the comparison of two different bodies, my and my mother’s, the first intact and the second affected by the side effects of chemotherapy. The prints, obtained from the imprints of the two bodies, were collected in two books and a portrait. The head without hair seems to be an indistin- guishable trait of a body forced to fight a double aggression given by the disease and drugs, but it is not a photographic portrait to remember and capture a certain moment of life, but becomes an opportunity to build.
Thinking of the body’s ability to reorganize itself in the face of an unforeseen event, prints in silver nitrate on ephemeral and shifting tape evoke a body that is changing reacting.
Francesca Piovesan
Photographer, Performer, Sculptor, Artist, Aviano
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
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