Oh MaN ThiS BoY i$ F*%#*D

Oh MaN ThiS BoY i$ F*%#*D
Oh MaN ThiS BoY i$ F*%#*D
category Digital art
subject Political / Social, Landscape, Human figure, Architecture, Animal
tags graffiti, digitalart , sketch, drawing , contemporary , geniusloci, urban , city, column
base 28 cm
height 21 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2023
''Oh MaN ThiS BoY i$ F*%#*D'' is a digital drawing that was and is used in many projects by the artist. The artwork has its foundations in one of the earliest depictions of the ancient Roman myth of Genius-Loci, today preserved in the National Museum of Naples in the Pompeii frescoes section. The artist which research is strongly influenced by this myth, reinterprets it in a contemporary context by placing mythological subjectys in an industrialurbancontemporary landscape. The visual focus is placed on the issues of our era and generation. Elisa is currently working on her personal latest theoretical research based on this subject, called Neo-Genius Loci, a Genius that keeps alive her artistic emergency.
Elisa Capucci
Sculptor, Artist, City of London
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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