Old Love – Framed Ink

Old Love – Framed Ink
Old Love – Framed Ink
category Other
subject Abstract
tags old love, Sword, Tattoo, Heart, Love
base 18 cm
height 24 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2021
The heart fully represents love. It also symbolizes the union, the feelings that you can feel towards the person you love or who, in any case, you admire and to whom you are devoted.
Old School tattoos are particularly lively and colorful draws, but they look beautiful also in black and grey. Perfect for those people that are looking for something traditional, but at the same time special and unique. A way to express oneself through well-defined, marked and colored shapes in a bright and decisive way.

The meanings always go according to our needs and what we want to tell with our body.

Surely, a type of tattoo that will accompany us over time for its history and tradition.

Technique: Ink on synthetic leather and on canvas. There are also materials used for the realization of the tattoo.
Alessando Bonacorsi
Artist, Soliera
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
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