Onda su onda

Onda su onda
Onda su onda
category Installation
subject Abstract
base 50 cm
height 70 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2021
Artist's book in brass, copper and aluminum

Stories of Wind and Sea

Steel brass copper aluminum - thus we specify ab initio the deeply and intrinsically "earthy" nature of Alessandra Chicarella's work, where instead we are supposed to be surrounded by the sea, declaring at the same time the important goldsmith training of the author, and the ambiguous nature straddling sculpture and artist's book - they combine, in softly undulating and modulated sheets, to compose the pages of a logbook, leafed by sea breezes rather than by impetuous winds.

The free happiness of color and metals that goes beyond the conventions dictated by a contemporary metropolitan sometimes sterile in the common denominator of homologating neo-conceptualistic claims; the mental openness of those who have the sea at home; the lightness and almost immaterial elegance of the plans and lines that recall the best architectural rationalism, always "at home", are however elements attributable to a territorial matrix, too. Free inventiveness in a free Pontine state, therefore, and we hope it will last.
Marcella Cossu
Alessandra Chicarella
Painter, Artist, San Felice Circeo
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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