
category Sculpture
subject Beauty, Human figure
tags donna, woman, legs, torso, sculpture, clay, relief, bas-relief, rilievo, body positive, beauty standard
base 23 cm
height 23 cm
depth 3 cm
year 2019
Today there is this standard of beauty in our western culture, that has fallen so out of line with how the western standard of beauty has been for thousands of years in particularly the way women are expected to view their bodies, the the idea of sensuality softness, are those of healthy and well being.. lets bring back a healthy standard of beauty, a classical time tested standard of beauty, because a healthy body, and is a healthy mind, and vice-versa. Low-relief sculpted in clay. Basic form sculpted wet, then refined, carved and sanded when dry.
John Randazzo
Sculptor, Artist, Rome
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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