Benedicente, Serie IN-VISIBLE

Benedicente, Serie IN-VISIBLE
Benedicente, Serie IN-VISIBLE
category Sculpture
subject Human figure
tags offcamera, vetro, bodyart, icona, oro, specchio, FOTOGRAFIA
base 20 cm
height 40 cm
depth 4 cm
year 2018
Imprints, mirror, wood, metal 28x23 cm, 2017
The work is made with the technique of developing fingerprints by mirroring. The combination with amber glass and silver create the illusion of a golden and uneven surface, behind which you can make out –just from some points of view- the marks of a gesture contained in a very thin silver layer. What appears are some golden plates that remind of the use of gold in the icons, intended as pure light: just focusing your own attention, you can glimpse the image underneath that evokes a lost gesture. The two plates, fixed on two planks of wood joined by the hinge, can be opened or closed like the pages of a book, so that the palms of your hands can join or not in the act of prayer. The artwork goes back to the icon theme of Revelation, as a door that allows to cross the border between the visible and invisible world, through your spiritual eyes.
Francesca Piovesan
Photographer, Performer, Sculptor, Artist, Aviano
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
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