Orizzonte Vitale

Orizzonte Vitale
Orizzonte Vitale
category Installation
subject Landscape, Nature, Abstract
tags earth, terra, light, luce, cromatografia, nature, natura, suono, sound
base 300 cm
height 17 cm
depth 3 cm
year 2015
Installation. Filter paper, plexiglass, 12 audio tracks.

Chromatographic experimentation to test soil vitality of soil samples, collected by the artist herself as an evidence of her daily life, mixed with chemicals and combined with terrestrial and solar sound frequencies, modulated by the artist following the changes in colour and form of the chromatographies; a sort of personal universe where sky and earth meet.
Elisa Leonini
Sculptor, Video artist, Artist, Ferrara
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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