Passato, Presente, Futuro

Passato, Presente, Futuro
Passato, Presente, Futuro
category Sculpture
subject Human figure
base 100 cm
height 70 cm
depth 50 cm
year 2018
Past, Present, Future, 2018
Silicone and mixed media
Unique work

The work contains a world in reflection on the theme of memory, a memory layered on multiple levels, on a multiplicity of interpretations, a memory that activates synaptic connections between past, present and future.
The Romani populations, Roma, which in the Romanes language means "man", have always been defined as nomads, without culture, beggars, are instead the people of memory par excellence. Many do not know that Roma nomadism was an adaptation in the face of repression, not an ethnic condition. Some circumstances unite Roma and Jews: having both been slaves. The former accused of being of the cursed lineage of Cain, the latter of deicide. One degraded Aryans, the other inferior race. From the Nazis the Jews suffered the shoàh (destruction), the Roma the porrajmos (devouring). But if Germany recognized the damage to the former, no reimbursement to the latter. The reason is that the Roma would not be a people, a cultural unit, but a condition. Nothing could be more wrong and the artist with his sculpture returns the deep sense of their cultural memory. Rom is synonymous with music, a treasure chest of their cultural identity that founded European jazz and which represents language, ethics, philosophy of life, narration, in one word: memory.
Roma is also memory in gestures: when a Roma person dies, during his funeral, all his possessions are burned, including the caravan, to ensure that the inheritance does not create disagreements between relatives and social differences in the group. The sculpture intends begging, an act of begging for offers, which very often leads back to the act of begging Roma women. In truth it is something that connects different cultures, especially religious: in Ancient Greece, beggars were under the protection of Zeus, who punished those who refused to accept them; in Christianity we speak of charity, which trains spiritually; in Judaism it has connection with Tzedakà, or with justice; in Buddhism this practice takes the name of Brahmsta, which helps to overcome attachment to material goods and to achieve spiritual merits; in Hinduism it takes the name of Dana and is one of the elements that characterize a virtuous life.
Even today in the begging is contained the very act of healing the soul, the exercise of alms free from greed and this action contains the relevance of a gesture of ancient memory.
The work Past, Present, Future is made of silicone (anatomical parts), various materials (internal anthropomorphic structure), and used clothing (external of the anthropomorphic part).
It can only be exhibited in indoor spaces.
Unique specimen
Silicone and mixed media, real size.
Dario Agrimi
Artist, Trani
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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