Pensieri concessi in luogo pubblico, estetica di un linguaggio

Pensieri concessi in luogo pubblico, estetica di un linguaggio
category Installation
subject Political / Social
base 100 cm
height 140 cm
depth 100 cm
year 2021
Thoughts granted in a public space, the esthetic of a language (2021)
Broom, LARA paddle, bluetooth speaker, smartphone, audio track (2'57"); enviromental dimensions

Let's reflect on the use of the word “scopare”*, on it's acceptance and it's daily behavioral implications in the public and private sphere; on how trap music in particular contributes to strengthen a patriarchal and violent model of thought, offering a vision of women "from behind", " an object". We see this as possible with a passive attitude where we endure the effects generated by the unconcious use of the words underestimating its intrinsic value-power.
We see this form of linguistic violence manifest itself in that sort of almost new ritual of listening to music, through a Bluetooth speaker, in a public space, trap music at a high volume, reunited in couples or groups: observing the phenomenon we aren't able to perceive anything other than an alarming superficiality, in the impassivity in the face of certain contents and in their exaltation.

* scopare v. tr. [From lat. tardo scopare, der. from scopae «granata» (v. scopa)] (io scópo ecc.). – 1. To sweep with a broom (Italian "scopa": s. a room, the house; 2. ant. To hit, to strike with a whip made out of steams of a broom, infamous torture used in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance; for estens., to whip, to flogg in general 3. volg.To have a sexual relationship with someone.
Artist, Verona
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exibart prize N4
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