PIAZZA DI SANGUE, BEFFA DI STATO (Planimetria a lutto di Piazza Fontana)

PIAZZA DI SANGUE, BEFFA DI STATO (Planimetria a lutto di Piazza Fontana)
PIAZZA DI SANGUE, BEFFA DI STATO (Planimetria a lutto di Piazza Fontana)
category Painting
subject Political / Social, Architecture
base 90 cm
height 130 cm
depth 8 cm
year 2016
Series "The Painted Story"
May 3, 2005 - The date of the massacre is well known: December 12, 1969. Because he opened the season of state massacres. But that of the definitive acquittal of Maggi, Rognoni and Zorzi, 36 years later, is much less so. The sentence stated that the real culprits were Freda and Ventura. Too bad they had already been acquitted earlier. With all due respect to Pinelli and Valpreda.

Mixed technique: acrylic, wood and mirror fragments on m.d.
Francesco Biondo
Painter, Artist, Milan
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exibart prize N4
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