Please stand behind the yellow line (DHG)

Please stand behind the yellow line (DHG)
category Video
subject Political / Social, Nature, Human figure
tags ecologia sociale, Natura, Dissipatio, memoria, scomparsa, frammenti, incomunicabilità, comportamenti monitorati, alterità
minutes 7
seconds 21
year 2019
Full HD video, 5.1 Sound Stereo

Everyday gestures are marked by an alarm clock of a mobile phone, signed by yellow rubber gloves that all the people are wearing.
The solipsism of a highly regulated reality arrives to a grotesque and perturbing domestic environment in which the body disappears: it is the dissipatio of human kind. However remains still survive; having lost their functionality, objects and fragments of memories become images of another life.
Social normativity, expectations, imposed performativity, tutorials and mediatization of life collapse in constraint and monitored behaviours. The subject is denied by fragmented narrations of daily life in which everything becomes alterity.
Nevertheless, a reconstruction is possible, starting from the scraps of our accelerated and alienating society.
Please stand behind the yellow line (DHG) was born after the reading of the dystopic novel Dissipatio Humanis Generis by Guido Morselli, 1977.
Luca Staccioli
Artist, Milan
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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