portrait of the artist as a newborn

portrait of the artist as a newborn
portrait of the artist as a newborn
category Sculpture
subject Human figure
base 52 cm
height 25 cm
depth 35 cm
year 2019
This work was born from a reflection on the artist's destiny, on my destiny, despite being opposed by the challenges of life, I have always felt that I have inside me those wings that not once, but a hundred times, the harsh and arid reality has tried to cut, to resize my dreams, my creative impulses, in an attempt to extinguish that sacred fire that, like blood, runs through my veins. torn, scratched, but always ready to take a new flight, I started again, and since this process of clipping the wings and inner rebirth of them has always happened since the day I was born, here I have not found a better way to communicate all this to you, if not through this work .. emblematic of my existence made of struggle and resistance, of high altitude flights and ruinous falls, from which thanks to art I have always got up, dusted and regenerated, like the 'Phoenix.
The work, depicting a newborn creature whose wings are cut off (as an additional umbilical cord), symbolizes the born artist endowed with great sensitivity and creativity that allow him to fly to unexplored dimensions to be intermediary and spokesperson for the rest of the world. world of those realities to which, as a seer, he has access. The scissor symbolizes the limiting and conditioning impact with the material reality in which the artist finds himself living, a soil that is not always fertile for the genius who tends to escape. Finally, the wings that are cut to the "artist" creature are nevertheless destined to be internalized by the latter, and made eternally their own through the act of sucking which represents the moment par excellence of appropriation and knowledge.

Rosa Maria Raffaele
Artist, Santo Stefano di Camastra
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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