Possibilità di manifestazione Divina

Possibilità di manifestazione Divina
Possibilità di manifestazione Divina
category Painting
subject Abstract
base 60 cm
height 60 cm
depth 4 cm
year 2020
The ropes, three in number, represent the plurality of people. The vertically ascending numbers represent the financial system on which global society is based. The upside-down letters represent the information induced from the vertices towards the base for the psychedelic indoctrination of the masses in order to tame them, make them docile, helpless, dormant. This constriction is rendered with the barbed wire that tightens the ropes. But the power is hidden from a myopic vision and this is represented with the camouflage of color that confuses the strings with the background. The ropes are placed on a veil that symbolizes the false attention of the "mother". From above it can be guess an opening onto the Divine and invisible world and perceive its fire. The flow descends, and vertically connects the top to the bottom and horizontally permeates the earthly dimension. Thus the cross and the harmonious gold square is determined which, jagged on the edges, has the potential to propagate horizontally and expand in the man who manages to escape rationality, and create freedom, virtue, emotion and life, with fire, l 'gold and the material manifestation represented by the metal cable. The letter A identifies the goal of shifting the focus from the financial and competitive aspect to man and his ethical values, to the correct view of things; zero indicates the point of origin. A renewed culture shared since the first years of teaching; a moment in which man has not yet been contaminated by the distorted morality of his time and place.
Technique: Ropes gold leaf, metal cable, polishes on canvas
Paolo Napolitano
Artist, Milan
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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