PREGHIERA – Non voglio continuare a sbagliare

PREGHIERA – Non voglio continuare a sbagliare
PREGHIERA – Non voglio continuare a sbagliare
category Installation
subject Abstract
tags preghiera parole carta installazione ripetizione
base 100 cm
height 40 cm
depth 900 cm
year 2018
Paper, ink, wool, nilon thread
Mixed technique

This work is a prayer, a meditation on perfection which is always so far. It was born from the observation of the mistakes that I do and from a deep analysis that led me to understand that "I" am also my mistakes.
The installation consists of 108 beads (made of written and rolled up notebook pages) and a big wool tassel, like a real mala, Buddhist rosary. The mala, or rather japa mala (which would mean a garland for murmuring), is used to meditate by reciting mantras.
As often in my works, this time too it was the repetition of a sentence “I don't want to keep making mistakes”, to guide me. I wrote this sentence filling various notebooks. After this first phase of writing, I tore up the pages and rolled them up, like a cathartic atc to get rid of my strong desire for perfection. I composed a mala with these "balls" of paper, an object / prayer. A prayer of acceptance.
alessandra maio
Artist, Bologna
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N5
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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