Primavera in gabbia

Primavera in gabbia
Primavera in gabbia
category Installation
subject Political / Social
base 195 cm
height 125 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2017
I grew up in a family and conservative environment. Since my childhood, my family has instilled in me a lot of thoughts about sexual repression: "you can't have sex before marriage", "if you're not a virgin, you can't get married", "you're still small, don't ask us about sex" . Gradually I felt the lack and suppression of the sexual knowledge education that my family background brought me, so I had a strong curiosity and wanted to understand what "sex" is? Why did my family refuse to tell me about the knowledge of sex?

I felt the "bondage" of my environment in these repressions, losses and fears, and I moved these feelings onto my installation. I used 24 pink balloons (24 is my age) and placed the 24 balloons in 24 white iron cages; pink balloons and white cages look harmonious with respect to the color relationship, but each balloon is limited to the size of the cage, apparently the balloons seem to rush out of the bars, on the contrary they are firmly locked inside the fixed space of the cages.

Sexual consciousness was locked in a clean, pure and artificial environment, yet depressing, tied up, like a cage in my growth.
Lisha Liang
Artist, Florence
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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