Primo, Secondo, Terzo e Quarto Quadrante

Primo, Secondo, Terzo e Quarto Quadrante
Primo, Secondo, Terzo e Quarto Quadrante
category Painting
subject Abstract, Beauty, Nature
tags contemporaryart, mediterraneo, installation, art, fineart, blu, pitturacontemporanea, artecontemporanea, legno, sabbia
base 30 cm
height 95 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2023
First Quadrant
The sea is calm and flat, like a mirror. The sky is clear and blue, with some white clouds moving slowly. The sun is rising, creating a magical atmosphere.
Second Quadrant
The wind starts to blow, the sea ripples. The waves are small, regular and break gently on the shore. The sky's still blue, but the clouds are more numerous.
Third Quadrant
The wind is blowing hard and the sea is rough. The waves are large, foamy and crash forcefully onto the shore. The sky is cloudy and the sun is hidden.
Fourth Quadrant
The wind has stopped and the sea is calm again. The surface is smooth and reflects the sky, which is blue and clear.
Morning Visions
These four works were created by observing the sea at dawn, on different days. Nino Salemme wanted to capture the beauty and variety of the effects of the wind on the sea, which continually change depending on the strength of the wind and the weather conditions.
Unique work composed in a quartet measuring 30x95 cm per piece.
The works are made on cotton fabric, with water-based glues and paints, sand and transparent protective agents. Sand was used to create the effect of waves and transparent protectors were applied to preserve the works over time.
Nino (Gaetano) Salemme
Artist, Naples
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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