Promessa scomposta

Promessa scomposta
Promessa scomposta
category Sculpture
subject Travels, Political / Social
tags gold, footwear nails, promise, splitted, ring, family, journey, street paint, sculpture, reminder, relationships, posture
base 10 cm
height 105 cm
depth 10 cm
year 2023
casting: 18 k gold - large nail: 0.79 x 0.74 cm diameter; small nail: 0.61 x 0.57 cm diameter.
case: steel, wood, white road paint, velvet, plexiglass, 10 x 105 x 10 cm
certificate: letterhead, goldsmith stamp and signature, photographic paper, gold paint, 21 x 29.7 cm

This pair of modified shoe gripping nails was made from my father's 18k gold wedding band by casting. Inside the ring was engraved Vittoria 27.7.75.

The two elements resulting from the casting have different sizes because they were obtained from specific samples for different areas of the sole (heel the large, toe the small) and also reflect the typical morphological relationship between male and female.

Together with the origin certificate they constitute the work Promessa scomposta and will never be used for walking.

Promessa scomposta, is related to a gold line through the Green one, but independent as result of a distinct casting and a piece just to be seen. Indeed, here the dispersion due to the walking journey is only a reference. Evoked as a suspended possibility. Made so by the will (mine) to keep them untouched. Sort of an exclamation point as a reminder. And so, the artwork thinks around the concept of promise and its objective value, regardless of the specific context or its possible claims to eternity, which clearly belong only to the field of illusion.

Sometimes families are built under the sign of a slouching posture. Relationships would have no reason to exist, in which everything is held up by hyperbolic compromises. Just rarely they find a clumsy equilibrium within their own inescapable nature. A going on between moments of fragile closeness and absolute detachment. More often they are short-lived. Then the title also evokes this specific aspect, common to any similarly out-of-the-ordinary bond.
francesca bertazzoni
Artist, Bologna
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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