Quel pensiero lì, lascialo stare – che poi ti fai male

Quel pensiero lì, lascialo stare – che poi ti fai male
Quel pensiero lì, lascialo stare  –  che poi ti fai male
category Sculpture
subject Architecture, Abstract, Beauty, Nature, Political / Social
tags marmo bianco, portoro, scultura e design, cristallo, aformismi, aforismi e a-formismi
base 30 cm
height 40 cm
depth 30 cm
year 2022
"that thought" we face it, that something or temptation that whirls in our heads, we know it's wrong, but nothing, our visceral instinct pushes us to that thought. Base in pure white Carrara marble, and the head, represented by a Portoro cube, is revolving. The illuminated and inclined glass wants to recall the gesture of the person who leaves something behind but reluctantly proceeding and giving up, while the head continues to whirl
Sculptor, Artist, Lerici
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
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