Qui c’è vita!

Qui c’è vita!
Qui c’è vita!
category Installation
subject Political / Social
tags casa, altri, cura, servizio, segno, prendersi cura, cucinare, sindone, stracci, tessuto, nutrimenti
base 200 cm
height 200 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2012
This work was carried out during the first edition of the Case Sparse artistic residence, created by me together with Monica Carrera. The residence takes place in the old farmhouse of my family.
In this situation my work as an artist could not ignore the service, intended as a cure, that I should have offered to others. I am still the hostess. I then started working on these rags, which allowed me to join these two parts of me, in one single sign. Cooking for others and drying my hands in a very instinctual and uncontrolled way allowed me to leave signs that told what happened to us, I would say a vital image left deposited on these rags, a sort of miraculous Shroud.
Every day is told by these fabrics, which declare and show what happens, we have been fed, we have lived.
On the ninth day, the last day of my stay, I hung the nine rags on a thread pulled between two trees and went to Loritto, one of the fractions of Malonno country of residence, I took a photograph with a telephoto lens.
Hence the connection with the story of my great-grandmother. When he died, a sheet was hung in the lawn of Plizzanico, his home town where the children had been sent. The message sent to Loritto was in the past of death. Now the message as to exorcise the previous and instead of life.
Here there is life!
Francesca Damiano
Artist, Brescia
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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