Dante, commedia

Dante, commedia
Dante, commedia
category Painting
subject Travels, Human figure, Abstract
tags tela, acrilico, transfer, collage, inferno, purgatorio, p, battiato, dante, pittura, rosso, blu, diavolo
base 100 cm
height 120 cm
depth 5 cm
year 2021
acrylic, charcoal, watercolor and transfer on canvas - single copy

The painting celebrates Dante's centenary through the visual transposition of two triplets:
"I did not die and did not stay alive; think for yourself today, if you have a fine wit, such as I became, deprived of one and the other.", Canto XXXIV Hell, 25-27

"He replied: «When the P's that have still remained on your face almost faded, are, as one is, completely shaved off", Canto XII Purgatorio, 121-123.

If the second manifests itself explicitly, it is the first that suggests the figures: "I didn't die and I didn't stay alive" refers to the icon, to something that never sets, to the eternal cyclical nature of being. Modern pop icon, whose bodily death takes place in May 2021, is Franco Battiato: I wanted, out of affinity, to bring his artistic immortality closer to Dante.
Ilaria Reynof
Painter, Video artist, Lecco
Profile Photo
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