Risveglio con pizzico, 2023, tessuto di sfrido e ricamo

Risveglio con pizzico, 2023, tessuto di sfrido e ricamo
Risveglio con pizzico, 2023, tessuto di sfrido e ricamo
category Other
subject Human figure
base 80 cm
height 100 cm
depth 5 cm
year 2023
scrap fabric and embroidery

Awakening with Pinch contains a quote from the famous Gabrielle D'Estrées and her sister painted by an anonymous artist of the century. XVI belonging to the school of Fontainebleu and today preserved in the Louvre museum. The female figure has a large flower vase with eyes as its head. The woman with bare breasts receives a pinch on the nipple: an invitation to wake up from her torpor and act with awareness.
Loredana Galante
Artist, Milan
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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