
category Painting
subject Beauty, Human figure
tags darkart, portrait, demian, 2020
base 100 cm
height 130 cm
depth 2 cm
year 2020
This diptych contains my personal interpretation of the third hermetic law called the Law of Correspondence.
This law quotes: “As above - so below, as below - so above. As inside - so outside, as outside - so inside. As in the large - so in the small, As in the small - so in the large. "
The main subject is depicted in two apparently opposite situations: on the one hand we have "Sanctification", the depiction of the human figure as a martyr to emotions, fragility and passion. On the other hand we find "Damnation" or the awareness of one's own being, knowledge as power but also a cross, the rationalization of events beyond one's control (such as Death).
Both subjects are shrouded in an aura of mystery, protected by a physical and tangible frame aimed at marking the concept of how the boundary between inside and outside is blurred and relative.
Beyond it there is the Outside, a world alien to the subject himself, made up of lights and shadows in what I would like to express as Controlled Chaos. Both the two figures are the face of the same coin, the same entity and both are linked to the space beyond their own frame. What happens inside them affects the reality outside and vice versa. To understand their surroundings they have to see within themselves and, at the same time, to understand what is happening in their inner world, they have to peek beyond the frame.
Painter, Verona
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