category Video
subject Political / Social, Nature
minutes 18
seconds 25
year 2021
"Coming out of my mother’s womb. I do what I feel, time passes and the mind is busy trying to understand what hands do. It leaves them free and they develop a natural technique that is prohibited to adults. I grow up, but something broke. First crack. [...] We always wear a mask. But we still have the power to decide if we want to wear the one that hides or the one that shows".
These are some of the words that flows interrupted by long moments of silence and coming from the inside. Thoughts are made in a moment of solitude during an art residency at Joya:AiR in Andalucia, Spain. The strong impact with nature forces to face the body and to think about social constructs that are part of western culture. European instruction doesn’t deal with the physical body and with the “selvatico” that is in every human being, instead it tends to tame it. But sooner or later “the body calls” and everything that contributed to anesthetize the essence it’s not strong enough to stop that animal and disruptive power. “SELVATICA” is a never-ending fight for freedom.

PSW: L1u2c3r4e5#

digital video on digital support
Lucrezia Costa
Artist, Milan
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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