(S)ex voto

(S)ex voto
(S)ex voto
category Installation
subject Political / Social, Erothism
base 200 cm
height 100 cm
depth 25 cm
year 2017
Per grazia ricevuta.
I thought long to these words and why people felt the necessity to say thank you to someone whose identity is always veiled. The god never shows himself, but people turn to it looking for support in a time of trouble or just to let him know that something important has been successful. At the end is nothing more than a pact: I ask you, you god run it, I'll repaid with an indelible gratitude in time, ergo ex voto. Rather harmless, as long as functions...
I'm in a public bathroom, you know when you have to piss, you piss. In the toilet in front of me a sex ad; I remain intrigued. Here everyone is looking for sex. There isn't prejudice in people looking for sex in the bathrooms. Everyone wants everything. No one shows, but it leaves you the option to choose. If your desires coincide, call and it's done. Easy right?
After all I don't notice a big difference if I compared this to the ex voto mechanism; I feel I have a sexual exigence, I call you and for thank you, do you know what I can do? I can dedicate a votive plaque! Someone who answer is always difficult... it may be due to the fact that we are in his image and likeness?

The project consists in 20 marble tablets (engraved and hand-painted by me) of variables sizes and thicknesses (the largest measuring 35 x 18.5 x 3 cm) and as many framed photographs of 13 x 18 cm. For a good visibility in order to avoid overlap, a long wall is necessary l ≥ 2 m. In the center will posted a shrine and will be used flower arranging. In the case of a narrow space is possible an alternative arrangement at the corner, but it is a 2nd choice.
The project was designed for a planar development as it follows the rules of the real ex voto. Each tablet will be fixed to the wall with L nails specific to support the weight of the marble. Consequently the wall must be able to withstand such a total weight.
Photographer, Artist, Rome
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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