Siamo solo prodotti

Siamo solo prodotti
Siamo solo prodotti
category Sculpture
subject Human figure, Nude, Political / Social
base 13 cm
height 63 cm
depth 13 cm
year 2021
Synthetic marble

“Siamo solo prodotti” (“We are only products”) is the reproduction at reduced scale of “Involucro” (“Shell”), a work of art selected by the London Art Biennale 2021 and obtained through 3D digital scanning and printing. It represents the individual as a mirror of the society in which it lives: the decline of culture, institutions and values which made the man similar to a standardized product, with a barcode impressed on its skin. This mark, that prevents it from manifesting its own individuality, is represented by clearly visible seams which remind industrial processes. The use of appealing colours embellishes the material in decay. The artist doesn’t exploit the virtuosity of modelling and the manipulation to recreate the anatomy of the body, but he obtains it using technology, considered an opportunity to develop his own research.
Elia Alunni Tullini
Sculptor, Foligno
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exibart prize N4
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