Silenzioso guardiano

Silenzioso guardiano
Silenzioso guardiano
category Painting
subject Beauty
tags antichità, misteri, archeologia, simboli, civiltà antiche
base 83 cm
height 203 cm
depth 5 cm
year 2013
Representation of one of the gigantic monolith busts called Moai present on the entire territory of Easter Island, mysterious and immortal witnesses of a great and unknown past.
In the painting you can see two "bird-men" depicted on the Moai's chest, characters of undoubted importance not only for this ancient civilization, but for many others scattered around the world.
Below them there is a sort of belt, which contains a very strong star symbolism.
It is also worth noting the shadow on the bust that places one of the characters in the light and one in the dark, so as to recall the duality present in all cultures, a fundamental principle of cosmic balance.

Mixed Medium: Airbrush, paintbrush, acrylic paints.
On rigid panel
Base: prepared with cement inside the subject, and final matte and smooth finish on the background.
Original work

Collection "Golden age"
Angelo Tasini
Painter, Artist, San Clemente
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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