
category Photography
subject Political / Social, Human figure
tags Fotografia, Oggetti, Soggetti
base 30 cm
height 20 cm
depth 3 cm
year 2019
Every picture has a story. These photographies, all together, tell the story of my life.
Every subject and background in these pictures was chosen to create a dialogue between them.
All the people that are in these photographies made my soul.
A story where the time doesn't go on,
with a vintage flavor, going from the energy of an 80s holiday to love letters written and then throw away, due to the end of a great love.
A grandmother who is always young, De André who plays.
The explosion of flowers in Spring and the girl on page 65 who doesn't stop looking at me.
The story of a degenerative illness such as Alzheimer, with a card game.
And, finally, myself enclosed in the frame
of the most burning passion.

Digital Photography
Maria Chiara Maffi
Photographer, Digital artist, Milan
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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