
category Other
subject Beauty, Human figure, Political / Social
tags heart, lips, human, silence, darkness
base 90 cm
height 45 cm
depth 5 cm
year 2020
pastel and mixed media on wood

"Quid prodest strepitus oris muto corde?" Augustine wrote in his Confessions.
What is the use of shouting if the heart is silent?
Our contemporaneity gives us a very different image.
It is the heart that screams, our ego, our interiority, it is the deepest part of ourselves that suffocates, driven by the compulsive need to appear and show itself to the world, and which, to put it in the manner of Mario Perniola, withdraws in its shadow, just like art does when trying to synthesize its essence.
Something tries to talk to us, to evade computer barriers to reach us immediately, but we no longer know how to listen.
And then the red thread, severed, falls inert, like a tired hand reaching out towards the other waiting to be grasped.
Marco Corridoni
Painter, Sculptor, Bassano del Grappa
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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