Solo Corpo

Solo Corpo
Solo Corpo
category Photography
subject Landscape, Nude, Human figure, Abstract
tags photoghraphy, Serie Fotografica, conceptual, dysphoria, black and white , agender, Gender dysphoria
base 45 cm
height 30 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2022
Fine-art black and white prints on Hansen Extra Matte 200 g/m² 45x30 cm
"Solo Corpo" is an attempt to visually define a need. I wanted a body without gender, without eroticism, almost disturbing... a neutral and malleable object. I was interested in lightening the body from the weight of identity and role. I wanted to transform it into something else, to extend its boundaries and make them invisible. It becomes a mirror and a synthesis of images from the subconscious, of impulses, of unexpressed desires. A game between the point of view and the body as a medium capable of redesigning itself and defining itself as a new presence. A free reading, an investigation that evokes the Rorschach test. Its planes and compositions cancel out and confuse the anatomical reference. I wanted disorientation, a short circuit... An organic body that, while maintaining materiality, loses its context, nature, and structure. Only a mass in space, only shadows on skin, only lines and planes... only body... solo corpo.
Michela Rosi
Photographer, Artist, Rome
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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