Sorry, take a ride then come back to me!

Sorry, take a ride then come back to me!
Sorry, take a ride then come back to me!
category Installation
subject Beauty, Abstract, Architecture
tags exterior video, video art, sculpture, wax, house, animation, draw
base 300 cm
height 200 cm
depth 300 cm
year 2020
The work begins with the search for a possible escape route, through a hypothetical physical connection by means of electrical instruments you have the opportunity to reach your room, a place of abstraction and catharsis.
Invention of a real world, strictly necessary.
The room is now inside the room, i.e. the room is outside the room.
With the intent of aesthetic and static materialization, the place took shape, it is concrete and as a setting it freezes the scene in the outside, pulsating through the video, the past of its genesis.
The work starts from a reflection on fiction and real, on concrete and abstract.
Starting from the elements used to set up a video, I created another room, I exteriorized the final work starting precisely from the elements that generated it, questioning these objects and staging them as a work.
What started became the end.
The work born to be video and therefore pure abstraction
it ended up materializing in a space
and become a theater of itself by closing its own cycle of inputs and outputs.
This idea took shape spontaneously and undoubtedly imposed itself in its aesthetic figuration.
The scenario, or rather, the background, becomes a work, becoming the result and content of this process.
And this is how the background of the scenario becomes the container of the video in which it is contained.
The wax hand is found in sculpture and dies in the video, the electrical outlet is now a door waiting for frequencies.
Massimiliano Marianni
Graphic artist, Sound designer, Video artist, Bagnacavallo
Profile Photo
similar works
exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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