Sotto il flusso del fiume

Sotto il flusso del fiume
Sotto il flusso del fiume
category Installation
subject Travels, Landscape, Nature, Abstract
tags #fiber#textile
base 60 cm
height 80 cm
depth 60 cm
year 2020
The river flow, variable size, wire and wire, 2020

An undetermined form, smoothed and eroded by thoughts and memories, open to different connections, rises from the ground, stimulating those who confront it to feel like a sailor aimed at embarking on a journey in the river of his own thoughts, asking himself questions, reflections, investigating and looking within one's own memories for hypothetical relationships between systems of the natural world in which one has perceived or imagined to perceive a similar form.
The installation is a real analogy, a rock, a relic that can exist in any space, in any place, in any river not determined by a precise geographical position, which becomes visible and perceptible only to those who intend to weave connections and navigate your memories smoothed and sculpted by the flow of life.
Almost a limestone, whose memories of a river in flood have settled on it, smoothing and sculpting the white, pure, candid, snow-cold form that emerges from the ground generating knots, skeins, tangles, threads that become symbols of thoughts, relationships, ties, personal relationships or sometimes left to us as a gift by others.
The thread, the first element of the work, becomes both a tool for analysis and reflection, and a material tool for the realization of the idea of ​​the mind, which otherwise would catch cold.
In a very long time, a thread of a thread and another thread gives body to the white calcareous form, wrapping it with a sensitive skin, thus loading it with memories, memories so that it can be relived, where everyone can enter into memory and move within it.

Giulio Locatelli
Artist, Bergamo
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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