Spazi per corpi in attesa della trasformazione

Spazi per corpi in attesa della trasformazione
Spazi per corpi in attesa della trasformazione
category Installation
subject Human figure
tags contatto, proximity, prossimità, transformation, trasformazione, space, spazi, bodies, corpi, contact, vuoti e pieni, full and empty
base 42 cm
height 21 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2017
site specific installation consisting of 100 drawings on polyester. Each drawing measures 21 x42 cm

Thin and movable traces on sheets of glossy paper delineate bodies in contact with each other, delineating labile physical boundaries.
Clara Luiselli creates decontextualized minimal profiles, pure human forms, fluctuating in an empty space that amplifies the dynamics of a couple's encounter.
Their communication takes place through points joined by a red thread, in a fluid and undefined dialogue: they get nearer and move away, they join each other and separate with the tension or loosening of the thread, by opening or folding the sheets.
The spectator's sensory dimension is an integral part of the installation: each drawing is thought to be stretched, folded, perceived and looked at from different points of view. It delineates a possible relation, never predictable or unchangeable: with a slight, almost imperceptible movement of the surface, or a tiny displacement of the observer's perspective, the internal dynamics of the depicted couple is transformed, almost twisted.

The project is conceived starting from the observation of paintings belonging to different historical periods that have as their subject pairs of figures in their multiple relational opportunities. The installation covers the walls of a small exhibition space, imagined as a body-container capable of including the spectator's body in search of its own shape.
Clara Luiselli
Artist, Bergamo
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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