
category Sculpture
subject Nature
base 35 cm
height 190 cm
depth 3 cm
year 2019
Spear embodies all the speed, dynamism and power of thought from which an action follows. Zeus, father of all gods and king of heaven, held the reins of justice and it is said that his son Hephaestus, god of fire and metallurgy, made for him the lightning bolt with which he struck those who endangered the salvation of humanity. Spearwants to resume the metaphorical figure of the overman, understood as a superior man who rises thanks to his persistent inner search for good and evil.
The artwork was born with the intention of representing the perseverance and determination needed to overcome the most difficult challenges of life. The work also reminds us that nature is an indomitable power, capable of dominating man when he tries to control it, for this reason it is essential that he walks alongside nature, becoming one with it.

Spear is carved from a steel sheet, smoothed and painted in fluorescent orange, to highlight the lightning flash. A skeleton is welded on the back that makes it stable and sturdy and always behind, in the upper part, there is a support to hang it on the wall or leave it on the steel stand.
Sculptor, Rome
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
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