Storia di una sorgente non ancora nata

Storia di una sorgente non ancora nata
Storia di una sorgente non ancora nata
category Sculpture
subject Political / Social, Nature, Human figure, Abstract
tags sculpture, panism, nature, drawing, 3Dpen
base 120 cm
height 200 cm
depth 50 cm
year 2023
"Storia di una sorgente non ancora nata"
PLA filament, mechanical element in stainless steel
120 x 200 x 50 cm

The site-specific installation, part of the permanent collection of the company Trillium Pumps, is a reflection on the relationship between the human being and the cosmos. A panic dimension that emerges from an organic aggregate of real forms. Like a swarm, or perhaps a cloud, which, greedy for space, are emitted to the only alien element of the entire work: a stainless steel tube produced by the company, which in its bright sobriety reaffirms its anthropic, mechanical, technical and industrial nature. Human attempt to order the world.
To use the words of the curator, Angela Madesani: "Subjects of the work are people mixed with foliage. It is as if from the tube a sort of energy came out until that moment kept imprisoned. [...] The important thing is to be able to listen. In a world like ours where few, but very few, are able to do so and pay attention, Lorenzo’s work is a hope to be able to get in tune with the surrounding, with nature, with the universe. A simple action; so simple that no one performs it anymore".

The work consists of elements drawn using the technology of the 3D pen, which allows you to draw lines whose existence does not prescind from a physical support below.
After extrusion on a horizontal plane, the solidified material (PLA) detaches from the original surface, getting rid of the and becoming an object in space. Not sculptures created by modelling and bending matter, but works created through a two-dimensional graphic approach, later become three-dimensional.
It is an invention that allows you to feel the graphic sign, not relegating it to a surface, but freeing it from the same. This sign, when it manifests its true nature and graphic expression, stops being a sign, becoming a sculptural object. It’s an elusive dimension. Because it manifests itself in a conjuncture that links drawing, painting, sculpture, installation and photography, without one part prevailing over the others; or perhaps, uniting them all at the origin of art, the one that, according to Pliny, is found precisely in drawing.
Lorenzo Gnata
Artist, Cossato
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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