Stretch tool

Stretch tool
Stretch tool
category Sculpture
subject Abstract, Architecture
tags four dimensions, waves, scultura, ceramica
base 90 cm
height 70 cm
depth 35 cm
year 2020
A blurry look at the shape
of space and time,
whether there are any.
Stretch is an Autocad tool used in digital design to change shapes, as lines and parallelepiped.
This tool is also used to deform the two-dimensional structure of spaces and volumes, moving the
lines of a drawing like they are flexible. It also stretches and dragges all the elements connected with
In real life, the space deformation can be perceived, but just for a few moments, in the movement of
the sea waves or in the passage of gravitational waves.
The soft mixture of raw clay is able to take the shape of space, capturing the movement of the waves
until it is baked. In this way the movement gets stuck and time falls away.
This artwork is the result of a research based on a a two-pronged approach, between virtual reality
and the physical one. It is about the four dimensions, the presence of tangible matter and the
absence of time.
Paulina Herrera Letelier
Artist, Cagliari
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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