
category Performance
subject Political / Social, Human figure
hours 6
minutes 0
seconds 0
year 2018
With the development of the feminist movement for nearly a hundred years, all countries of the world have gradually eased the question of whether women can freely choose abortion and more and more people accept abortion. But those who oppose abortion have never stopped, women have ownership of the body, but will continue to be discussed negatively because of abortion. Therefore, from this point of view, I would like to reconsider the importance of women's right to abortion in today's social environment.

When I was in high school, I participated in a volunteer activity: at that time, I was working as a surgical assistant in the maternal and child health hospital, where I was responsible for the delivery of surgical instruments in abortion operations. This experience had a profound influence on me. Many teenage girls in China have to choose artificial abortion due to unwanted pregnancy. At a very young age, they blamed their indifference, social prejudice, misconduct, loose woman and so on.

In this set of works, I performed an art performance to show the secondary damage caused to women by abortion: I wear a white dress in the city where I live, red dust is spreading from my skirt along the path of my walk. The red powder represents the pain that women suffer, due to public criticism in the abortion process and after the abortion, and is separated from the body along the way and decreases the pain. But these pains still exist in every space of daily life. During the performance the passersby observed me and talked about me.

I hope my work will allow the masses to reconsider women's rights and status and give women respect and understanding on the issue of free abortion.
Lisha Liang
Artist, Florence
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exibart prize N4
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