category Painting
subject Architecture
tags surrealismo, metafisica, popart , arte figurativa, interior design
base 30 cm
height 20 cm
depth 2 cm
year 2023
The works “Tenda” is part of a serie entitled “In the dark”.
The details of objects and furnishings appear enlarged and extrapolated by the lens of a camera to become something other than me, beyond reality. A curtain, a booth, acquire a metaphysical value since the image is not what it appears, but a set where fiction and alteration are staged.

It is the time of spectacularisation, of the theaters of everyday life, and this happens from the most intimate sphere which can be put on display by turning on private screens. The banal becomes the protagonist, it is our time and everything contributes to the scene.
roberta rose cavallari
Painter, Rovereto
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exibart prize N4
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Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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