“Tenebra azzurra”

“Tenebra azzurra”
“Tenebra azzurra”
category Painting
subject Abstract
base 260 cm
height 180 cm
depth 4 cm
year 2021
In this pictorial work, I wanted to try to represent the two contrasting movements that are always present in the human soul. This contrast is represented in the first place by the technical construction of the work, specifically the informal gesture apparently without premeditation, instinctive and casual, contrasts with the formal rigidity of the supports (canvases with very standard formats placed following a very precise order, almost as if the 12 small sheets were a caption of the work itself).
Secondly, it is represented thematically, where the shadow, the "Blue Darkness" (cit. "La mia Sera" by G. Pascoli) contrasts with the white of the light, placed in the upper part of all the paintings.
This simple gesture made with indigo dye dyes is repeated obsessively on all supports, as if to be a kind of mantra for the search for light, a light that can only be repented thanks to its shadow.

Note: this painting has an overall dimensions as indicated in the "dimensions" item; however, it is a work made up of several elements. Specifically, the work consists of a 130 x 180 cm canvas and 9 small 10 x 15 cm canvases. However, it is to be understood as a unique work.

Technique: oil and indigo dye on linen, cotton.
Edition: single piece.
Martino Neri
Painter, Faenza
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exibart prize N4
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