The Conquest

The Conquest
The Conquest
category Drawing
subject Beauty, Human figure, Political / Social
tags Classic, umana, drawing, war, manifest destiny, glory, pride, grey paper, black and white
base 22 cm
height 31 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2017
In the overcoming of angst, and youthful spite and vigor, the longing for a sense responsibility and the acceptance of growing past all the things that we once thought we were necessary take over, and an new direction in life can be found and stabilized... This piece represents that growth, a soldier coming home after a victory, a conquest.. His home will never be the same to him, and neither will the way he looks at himself. , Drawn on grey toned paper because the feeling of this personal conquest, can, in a way, be underwhelming, surprisingly anticlimactic.. Drawn with graphite pencil, and white toned highlighting.
John Randazzo
Sculptor, Artist, Rome
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
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