The sweet sound of Ah

The sweet sound of Ah
The sweet sound of Ah
category Installation
subject Political / Social, Abstract, Architecture
tags #carpet, #fabrics, #destroyed
base 300 cm
height 0 cm
depth 600 cm
year 2018
The work is done by grinding a domestic carpet with a kitchen knife. The original object dissolves with a process, contrary to what had created it. The care, the dedication, the ability of manual skills of the craftsmanship coincide and overlap the artistic gesture. The floor becomes a receptor for the volatile remains of the carpet, which, although dispersed, still catalyzes the integrity of the original shape now lost.

- Cotton and wool fibers
- Ambiental dimensions
-Edition: unique work
Stefan Milosavljevic
Artist, Vicenza
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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