The unbearable lightness of being

The unbearable lightness of being
The unbearable lightness of being
category Photography
subject Beauty, Human figure, Nature, Nude, Landscape
tags body, nature, censorship, girl
base 36 cm
height 36 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2020
The unbearable lightness of being is a photographic project that wants to focus on the concept of the body, putting it in relation in space and portraying it in its purest form, nudity. There is no search for perfection in my photography but a search for beauty, which can be found in everything, in any place and in any body, even if very far from the beauty standards imposed today. When did they force us to cover up our imperfections?
Elena Antonini
Photographer, Milan
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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