Ti chiedo scusa

Ti chiedo scusa
Ti chiedo scusa
category Performance
subject Landscape, Nature, Human figure
tags natura, artificiale, crisi, clima
hours 3
minutes 0
seconds 0
year 2023
I rolled uphill to the top of Monte Bondone to apologize to the mountain. Having seen and considered the condition of the mountain environment, tormented by artificial constructions created in the name of entertainment to the detriment of their environmental damage, I decided to subject my body and my soul to this form of penance to suffer together with the mountain: a gesture symbolic of deep connection with nature.

Starting point: Vason (altitude: 1650m)
Arrival point: Cima Palon (altitude 2098m)
output: Photographic reportage + Video by Leonardo Panizza
Giulio Boccardi
Artist, Bosentino
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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