category Installation
subject Human figure
base 200 cm
height 50 cm
depth 300 cm
year 2023
TIMETRACES proposes the passage of time in its subjective and most suffered dimension. A painted face with Christological affinities is marked by linear traces of chalk indicating days gone by. The small canvas lies on a bed surrounded by empty boxes of medicines, anxiolytics, antidepressants and antacids mostly. Time is suffering even for the divine, while man has to make up for pain with drugs in order to survive in modern society. The installation is linked to a performance in which the artist traced a mark with chalk on a black canvas every day for six months, from November 2022 to April 2023. When experiences are limited as in prison or when they become excessively bloody as in concentration camps, time in its passage is emptied of meaning and reduced to the pure tracing of a mark. Art has always questioned the meaning of time, even if it articulates visual-sound spaces and is thus closer to space itself.
Emiliano Bazzanella
Performer, Trieste
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N5
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