tre giorni in montagna

tre giorni in montagna
tre giorni in montagna
category Other
subject Abstract
tags arazzo
base 265 cm
height 167 cm
depth 5 cm
year 2021
The subjects depicted in the tapestries correspond with those of the paintings, which have been reworked and revisited through this technique. The artist, feeling the need to reflect again on certain themes, went to resume the visual composition and the history of some of her existing works and to remake them in tapestry format. This method, much slower than her painting, allowed her to spend entire months working on a single work, savoring and reliving even more the situation depicted. In addition, the threads make the work “haptic”, tactile, immediate and aimed at one of the senses which according to classical aesthetics is “of closeness” (touch); the paintings, on the other hand, “optici”, are perceived from afar. This difference, this new technique forces the viewer to observe closely, to enjoy in a different way,
Carlotta Proietto
Digital artist, Painter, Video artist, Milan
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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